Advisory services

The Aidshilfe im Kreis Unna has various counselling services which we would like to present to you here:
Consultation in our offices
A counseling interview can take place after prior appointment in our counseling center in Unna. In individual cases, a consultation can also take place at home on special request.
Telephone advice
The telephone counselling of the Deutsche Aidshilfe is organised nationwide and can be reached under the telephone number 0180 - 33 19411. The telephone helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 am to 2:00 pm. The staff are experienced counsellors from all over Germany. They receive intensive training and are always up to date.
When a call comes in, their own telephone number is automatically suppressed and not displayed, so that the counselling can take place anonymously. (Max. 9 cents per minute from the German landline network or max. 42 cents per minute from the German mobile networks.)
If you want to contact the Aidshilfe im Kreis Unna anonymously by telephone, you should first activate the number suppression on your telephone device!
Online advice
The online counselling service of Deutsche Aidshilfe can be reached via the link . The counselling is provided by a team of qualified employees throughout Germany. With the online counselling you can ask your questions online at your leisure. Answers are often given on the same day. If you have complicated questions, you can stay in contact with the counsellor.
All inquiries are treated confidentially and anonymously. The offer works according to the current standards of data protection, including the encryption of data.
Advice for drug users
On the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, we offer people who use drugs a counselling service in the "Kontaktladen" of the "Suchthilfe im Kreis Unna gGmbH". We are the contact person from 13:00 to 15:30. A pre-registration is not necessary!
You will find the "Kontaktladen" at Rembrandtstraße 1 in Unna.
Advice for people in prison
We visit people in prison who are in the Fröndenberg prison hospital (Justizvollzugskrankenhaus Fröndenberg) or in the Schwerte prison (Justizvollzugsanstalt Schwerte) for personal advice.
In Fröndenberg Prison Hospital there is also the possibility for HIV-positive people to take part in the group meeting which takes place twice a month and is accompanied by our advisor.
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